Innovation in economic development marketing:

Leduc County's Path to Global Recognition with Localintel's Expertise

Photo of Dave Parsell
Dave Parsell
March 12, 2024

In Alberta's competitive landscape, Leduc County distinguishes itself as an attractive location for business and investment.

This distinction is supported by Localintel's insights and data visualizations, which effectively highlights the county's unique advantages and amplify its unique selling proposition to a global audience.

The Analytical Approach to Uncovering Competitive Edges

Localintel's analytical approach began with a comprehensive assessment of Leduc County's attributes. Leveraging Localintel's cutting-edge data visualizations and AI-driven insights, the Localintel team pinpointed the county's competitive edges - a crucial first step in crafting their unique 'why'

Creating an Impactful Narrative for Leduc County

With a detailed advantages assessment in hand, Localintel crafted an impactful narrative highlighting the county's distinct advantages, recommended a selection of its data visualizations to help tell the story, and then designed an engaging, high-fidelity webpage mock-up of the “Why Leduc County?” page.

Image of high-fidelity webpage mock-up of the “Why Leduc County?” page
The Engaging Design and Implementation

The purpose of the design was not only to grab site selectors' attention but also communicated the county's unique attributes in an articulate and engaging manner. After a round of edits, the design was implemented by the county into their website.

Enhancing Visitor Engagement and Informative Experience

The results of this collaboration were multifaceted. Not only did the embedded tools on Leduc County's website enhance visitor engagement, but they also delivered an informative experience, accentuating factors like the region's robust infrastructure, strategic location, and thriving business community. This increased engagement is pivotal, for it translates to a deeper interest in the county as a location for business and investment.

Cost-effectiveness and Time-efficiency of Localintel's Services

Moreover, Localintel's service proved cost-effective and time-efficient for Leduc County. By outsourcing the upkeep of data and technological updates, the economic development team could redirect their focus to core initiatives, assured that the website's content remained fresh and relevant with minimal effort.

Conclusion: Localintel Reinforces Leduc County's Global Position

This case study serves as a testament to Localintel's proficiency in not only furnishing regions like Leduc County with the tools to communicate their 'why' but also in reinforcing their position on the global stage.

The partnership between Localintel's technology and Leduc County's vision for development illustrates a successful partnership, setting a benchmark for other regions aiming to highlight their local intel to a worldwide audience.

Visit the Why Leduc County Page

To review the Why Leduc County page, go to: Leduc County's Official Website.

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